My Apps is a single platform that allows you to easily access all your Mimecast applications. It provides the following benefits:
- Each application is available via an easily identifiable icon
- Information on the application is available via a single click.
- Single sign-on allows you to switch between applications without re-authenticating to each one.
- You can open an application in multiple browser tabs.
- If you close an application's tab, you can access it again without having to re-authenticate, provided the session limit set by your administrator hasn't passed.
To use My Apps:
- Enter the URL into your browser. If your logon only has access to one Mimecast application (e.g., Mimecast Personal Portal), clicking this link logs you straight into the application. The My Apps dialog is not displayed.
- Enter your Login.
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter your domain or cloud Password.
- Click on the Next button.
Once you've successfully logged in, My Apps is displayed (see right), with all applications available to you displayed as icons. From here, you can either:
- Click on an icon to open the application in a browser tab.
If the application is already open in a browser tab, the application is opened in another tab. This enables you to have the application open in multiple tabs open at the same time. - Hover over an icon and click on the "i" icon to view a description of an application. From there, you can either click on the:
- Open App link to open the application.
- Arrow in the bottom right-hand corner to return to the list of applications.
You must manually log in regardless of whether you're logged in to My Apps.
Logging Off
When you log off from an Application or My Apps by one of the methods listed below, you will be logged out of all applications.
To log off from My Apps:
- Click on your Profile in the top right-hand corner.
- Click on the Log Out menu item.
To log off from an application:
- Click on your Profile in the top right-hand corner.
- Click on the Log Out menu item.
If you don't log off, each application session persists according to the time set by your administrator. The default is 12 hours for Mimecast Personal Portal and Administration Console. If an application is inactive for this time, you're automatically logged off from all applications you're logged on to.
If you have any questions, please post a comment below.